
SubjectAchieved Expected Standard 2023Achieved Greater Depth 2023Average Progress Scores 2023
Reading 77% (N: 72%, C.: 72%)27% (N: 29%, C: 29%)+2.04 (Significantly above)
Writing50% (N: 72%, C: 66%)13% (N: 13%, C: 9%)-1.44 (Significantly below)
Maths73% (N: 73%, C: 70%)20% (N: 24%, C: 20%)+1.04 (Significantly above)
Combined 47% (N: 59%, C: 54%)10% (N: 8%, C: 5%)
Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling77% (N: 72%, C: 69%)23% (N: 30%, C: 25%)

Figures include National (N) and County (C) level values for comparison.

For average progress scores, 0 would represent progress has been maintained from Key Stage 1 (Y1-2) to Key Stage 2 (Y3-6). Positive values represent greater than expected progress, negative values denote less-than-expected progress.


The government website for school performance tables is available here: School Performance Tables.

Please note that (as of 1st September 2023), the latest published figures are for 2018-2019. The Government do not intend to publish data for 2019-2022, and data for 2022-23 is awaiting publication.