We are pleased to invite prospective parents and carers to our of open mornings for September 2025 Reception students. All cultures, religions as well as non religious backgrounds and nationalities are celebrated throughout our school. Our open morning dates are: Thursday 24th October 9.15am-10.30am, Tuesday 5th November 9.15am-10.30am, Thursday 14th November 9.15am-10.30am, Wednesday 4th December 9.15am-10.30am and Tuesday 10th December 9.15am-10.30am. To book onto a visit please contact us at:  office@stjohnshorsham.school or call on 01403 265447 •



A Guide to Your Child’s School Uniform 2023-2024

All St. John’s children are encouraged to take pride in their own appearance whilst valuing their own property and that of others. We want our children to have a sense of community and security and for these reasons, we have a school uniform, including a P.E. kit. The school logo incorporates our mission statement and motto – “Learn to Love and Love to Learn” which we refer to most days. This being the case we like the children to wear uniform with the logo.

We have three suppliers of uniform:

Autumn and Spring Term

During the autumn and spring terms, your child will be expected to wear a maroon jumper or cardigan embroidered with the school logo and a white polo shirt.

Girls may wear either: a grey skirt, skort or trousers with white, grey or black socks or tights. Boys can wear grey trousers with grey or black socks. All children are expected to wear sensible black shoes.

Summer Term

As the weather warms up, girls are able to wear a pink and white gingham dress, tailored shorts or culottes with white socks and boys are able to wear grey shorts. We like the children to remain in sensible black shoes in the summer months too (no sandals please).

P.E. Kit

On your child’s PE day(s) please send them into school wearing their PE kit:

  • Plain (or school logo) white t-shirt
  • Maroon shorts
  • Maroon jogging bottoms and P.E. hoodie.
  • Trainers
  • Baseball cap when it is sunny (optional)


Your child is able to wear a watch and a pair of small stud earrings, if their ears are pierced.


Hair that is shoulder length or longer must be tied back and remain tied back for the whole school day. Please check your child’s hair regularly for head lice so that we are able to avoid class infestations. Thank you for your support in this matter.

Hair accessories should be kept plain and simple, and in school colours.

If your child wears a hijab please ensure this is maroon in line with the school uniform colours.

Make-up and nail varnish

Children are not allowed to wear either make-up or nail varnish to school.

Labelling ALL uniform – including shoes and hats

It is vital that everything your child brings into school is named with a permanent marker or name label. If you have labelled ALL their items, then we can ensure that they are reunited with their owners quickly.

Book bags, Rucksacks & Pencil Cases

Every child needs a book bag (Reception – year 1) or rucksack (Year 2-6). In this, they will carry their letters, reading record, reading books and homework.

Children in years 3-6 are asked to bring in their own plain see-through pencil case, containing the following items.

  • HB writing pencils
  • Colouring pencils
  • Small ruler
  • Rubber
  • Sharpener
  • Highlighters
  • Glue stick
  • Black writing pen