School day
Start time
Gates open at 8.30am and all children should be in class by 8.45am. Children should enter their classrooms on arrival.
The register will close at 8.55am. Pupils who arrive later than this will be marked as late in the register.
In total, the children are in school for 6 hours 40 minutes per day, for a total of 33 hours and 20 minutes per week. This does not include extra-curricular activities at the end of the school day.
Key stage 1 lunchtime is 12 until 1pm.
Key stage 2 lunchtime is 12.15 until 1pm
Home time
Gates open at 3.10pm. Children will come out at 3.15pm. Please collect your child promptly from their outside classroom door.
Extra-curricular activities
Times for these will vary and should be reviewed by attendees termly.
Children are expected to attend school daily, as per the times above. If children are absent, the school must be notified before 9am. The school does not authorise holidays in term time; any exceptional circumstances should be discussed with the Headteacher.