House Points

House Points form our whole school reward system here at St John’s.
It encourages a team ethos across the school and allows children of all ages to have a common goal. Every child, from Reception to Year 6, is sorted into one of four houses: Eagle, Angel, Ox and Lion. Each house also has staff members attached to them.
How are house points earned?
House points are given out as a recognition of achievement by individual children. They will include things such as:

• Demonstrating our three golden rules- Ready, Respectful, Safe.

• Living out our school values:


• Helping others who visit the school

When a child earns a house point they will collect a house point token and add it to their class’ token collector. Golden house points can also be awarded which are worth 10 house points. At the end of each week, the house captains (Year 6 children) will go round to all the classrooms, collect and count the house points and add them to the large token collectors in the hall during Celebration Assembly. Each half term, the house who has the most tokens at that time will receive a special reward.

Ox- 218

Eagle- 167

Angel- 186

Lion- 219

Ox- 662

Eagle- 735

Angel- 763

Lion- 763

House Points This Week 06/12/2019